Episode 20

Published on:

16th Jun 2022

FOUNDATIONS: Reason & Imperialism, Part 1

In Season 2 - our FOUNDATIONS series - we’ll examine European philosophers from the 17th through the 19th centuries, to see how their views have shaped and defined our own… whether we realize it or not.

Today we come to the crux of our conversation on European reason, European rational chauvinism, and their profound effect on how the world thinks.

We’ll trace the process of European rational chauvinism – the sense inherent to the European form of rationality that it has a unique claim on and capacity to seek the truth – as it combines with numerous other “chauvinisms” in the European worldview – religion, commerce, “way of life”, etc. – and is then fed into the historical institution of Imperialism, which causes that overall worldview to be spread forcibly across the globe.

Through this centuries-long and brutal process, we descibe the European worldview, including its distinct form of rationality, as having "spread like a noxious weed". As a consequence of this, most of the people of the world now use their minds and their capacity for reason in basically similar ways.

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About the Podcast

A Freedom of Ideas
Considering the Philosophy, Literature, and History of Liberty
The idea of freedom is central to the way we live our lives. Some of us say we would die to defend it, and many have. To explain who and what we are, we first call ourselves “free”.

But for as often as we say the word, do we understand what freedom is?

We will explore the idea of freedom through the lens of philosophy, history, literature… and whatever else we can find to learn from. I hope you’ll join the conversation.

About your host

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Cori DiBiase